About Us

Lushair aims to create a digital and intelligent ecosystem for dermatology. Making accurate skin and scalp solution accesible and affordable.

What syndromes can we analyse?

From Lushair™ Derma API Cloud…

20X K Database

4 Sec Analysis

14 Parameters

Follicle Density  ☑️

Follicle Diameter ☑️

Follicle Activity ☑️

Damage State  ☑️

Scurf State  ☑️

Oil State  ☑️

Redness State  ☑️

Keratinocytes Ratio  ☑️

Hair Density  ☑️

Hair Diameter  ☑️

Final Hair Ratio ☑️

White Hair Ratio ☑️

Our Services

  • Personal Subscription

    By purching Lushair Scalp Explorer, you can have one year free membership for Lushair APP, where you can start your Lushair AI hair care journey.

    AIOT Unit
  • Skin & Scalp Analysis SAAS

    This is the best sales improvement platform for hair care specialists like hair salon, scalp therapy and hair transplant clinic.

  • Skin & Scalp Analysis API

    Hair care brans can also subscribe to our API services and implant AI generated scalp & hair report into the websites or APPs.

Key Features

  • Historical Tracking

    Track scalp and hair changes for better haircare.

  • Multi-Node Analysis

    Our system targets and treats all scalp areas effectively.

  • Improved Management

    Merchants enhance services, reduce costs, boost trust, and target accurately with our image analysis system.

  • AI Generated Hair Care Plan

    We customize effective hair care plans, enhancing convenience.

  • Easy UI

    Intuitive elements guide users through image acquisition, analysis, and results.

  • Multi API for Ages and Genders

    We correspond to dermatology regulations.

What People Are Saying

“The standardization and AI usage of hospital information system can save a lot of time for outpatient dermatologists.”

— Hospital

“Lushair helps us better provide customized and intelligent dermatology services for patients .”

— Clinic

“Lushair has improved the quality of the store and the success rate of sales conversion with lightweight design, high-quality texture, and intelligent technology .”

— Salon

Meet the Team